Saturday, April 14, 2018

Meet the Treacherous Three

Jamaica, NY (Apr. 14, 2018) -
It's with great pride and respect to announce on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 3:41 pm at the Nu Omicron Daycare Center in Jamaica, NY our three MSP candidates were initiated into the fold of our gracious organization under the Xi Lambda Lambda Chapter. 

Congratulations to our young brothers.  It was a long and challenging journey.  However, they were able to persevere and achieve the desirable effect which is TRUE BROTHERHOOD!

The journey has just begun and now they must work even harder for the chapter.  They're well aware and as a chapter we must continue to guide them and work with them as to what it means to be a TRUE OMEGA MAN!

Congratulations to "THE TREACHEROUS THREE:"
Micheal Johnson, Jr. - "Joker"
Darrel Kidd, Jr. - "Buster II"
Antwan Richardson - "Capt. Blaque Sparrow"
Brothers Antwan Richardson, Darrell Kidd and Michael Johnson Jr. (l-r)

The Treacherous Three with paddle presented to XLL chapter