Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bro. Dr. Edmund Gordon Celebration

Columbia University, friends and colleagues will celebrate Bro. Dr. Edmund Gordon's 90th birthday with a day of events, luncheon and panel discussions of his work on June 17, 2011 at Teacher's College on the campus of Columbia University.  The event, "On His Shoulders We Stand", will feature a book signing, highlighting the publication of Dr. Gordon's three volume memoir , "On Pedagogical Imagination: A Conceptual Memoir".

Friends, former students and colleagues are invited.  For more details and for those interested in attending, contact the Celebration Committee (Susan Shurtleff) at  The Committee has requested that those who wish should make a gift donation to CEJJES Institute in his honor (  David Rollock and Ezekiel Dixon-Roman are co-chairs of the event.